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David Quinn Gray

1974 - 2024

Socks Covering Souls
Socks Covering Souls

David Gray was fondly known as Dega Dave and Grumpy. His first grandchild, Jadyn, blessed him with the nickname Grumpy when he couldn't pronounce Grandpa.
More than 2 years ago David was diagnosed with cancer - 962 days to be exact. Through this battle, he renewed his faith in God. In fact, David frequently stated that he hoped to be remembered for the last 2 years of his life rather than the first 48. If you had the pleasure of being around him, you would hear him ask friends and strangers the question, "Do you know Jesus?" And, if you didn't answer with a solid "yes", he would happily share his faith and the story of Jesus with you.
David was a family man. His wife Melissa meant the world to him, and he referred to her as his pillar of strength. Family was everything. The house was often full of grandchildren, siblings, parents, and friends. The more, the merrier was his belief.
As a firefighter, he gained a brotherhood during his almost 22 years of service. David started his firefighting career in the City of Morrow. In 2005, he joined the City of Woodstock. He was widely respected and loved. When on shift, co-workers often stopped by his bunkroom, "the lounge", just to hang out. The door was always open with snacks available. Chemo days were Dave's opportunity to bring smiles to others. His goal during the 60 rounds of chemo was to be his goofy self and bring those around him joy. David started a mission he referred to as
"Socks Covering Souls", which collects silly socks to pass out to those who need a smile. His theory was that the socks made him smile in the morning, then he made others smile when they saw him, and they can spread a smile by giving socks to others. No end in sight.
Pranking others made him laugh. Through his long, tough battle, David was the one constantly encouraging and lifting others up. Heaven is celebrating because it gained a true angel. Remember his laugh, his hug, his pranks and his silly socks. David might not walk the earth any longer, but his presence will always be with us. The memories and the love remain. Listen for David's tidbits of wisdom:

"You don't have to look too far to find someone who has it worse than you."

"Don't let the hard days win."

"All go, no quit."

Socks Covering Souls
Socks Covering Souls
Socks Covering Souls
Socks Covering Souls

36 Camp Dobbs Rd

Jasper, GA  30143  



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